To ensure a stable Bluetooth connection between the device and the App:
- Update both your device and the "Runmefit" App to the latest versions;
- Make sure Bluetooth is turned on on both your device and your phone;
- Turn on the phone's GPS and allow the App to access your location;
- Launch the App to see if it connects automatically.
If it is reconnected:
It might mean that "Runmefit" isn't running smoothly in the background on your Android phone. Add "Runmefit" to protected background apps. If there are other activity restrictions on the App, remove them.
If it doesn't reconnect:
- Restart the phone's system Bluetooth and reconnect.
- Restart the device and reconnect.
- Restart the phone and reconnect.
- Unpair and reconnect the device via the app.
If none of the above methods work:
- Reset the device to factory settings.
- In the phone's system Bluetooth settings, see if your device is paired. If yes, delete the pairing information and reconnect via the App.
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